The Roles of Professionals: Educational, Health, and Psychological Perspectives

Educational Psychologists conduct assessments to understand the child’s learning profile and needs within the educational setting. They provide recommendations to educators and parents to optimise the child’s learning environment and strategies, supporting both academic and social development.
Speech and Language Therapists (SLTs) offer diagnostic evaluations to assess speech, language, and communication issues. They provide targeted interventions to improve both receptive, understanding and expressive speaking language skills, which are foundational for affective, social interactions and emotional expression.
Psychiatrists diagnose and treat psychiatric conditions, including autism, and co-occurring mental health issues, that can impact behaviour and social interactions. They may manage medication programs that can help stabilise mood and improve overall functioning, contributing to better social interactions and emotional well-being.
Paediatricians specialise in child, health and development, often playing a key role in diagnosing developmental disorders. They offer medical interventions and coordinate care to support the child’s overall health, which is intrinsically linked to their behavioural and emotional development.
Clinical Psychologists focus on understanding behavioural issues and their impact on the child. They develop behaviour management plans and may be involved in diagnosis conditions, providing crucial support for children with complex emotional and behavioural needs.
Councillors and Therapists provide support for emotional and psychological challenges, such as anxiety and depression. They utilise therapeutic approaches such as Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) to alter negative thought patterns, enhancing emotional regulation and social skills.
The Behavioural Support Team designs and implements behaviour management programs to address challenging behaviours. they work collaboratively with families and educators to ensure consistent and effective behavioural strategies across settings.
Occupational Therapists assess and support the child’s ability to perform daily activities, which can impact their sense of independence and self-esteem. They provide interventions to improve fine and gross motor skills, sensory integration, and executive functioning, all of which can influence behaviour and social interactions.
The Special Educational Needs Co-ordinators (SENCo) oversee the support for children with special educational needs within educational settings. They coordinate interventions and support services, ensuring that the child’s educational and developmental needs are met in a holistic manner.
Family Support Liason Officers provide guidance and practical support to families, helping them navigate the services and interventions available. They act as a bridge between the family and various support services, ensuring that the child’s and family’s needs are comprehensively addressed.
The Sensory Support Team supports children with sensory impairments (hearing or visual), which can significantly impact their communication, behaviour and social interaction. they provide tailored strategies and technologies to facilitate communication and learning, enhancing the child’s ability to engage socially and emotionally.