Enhancing Emotional Intelligence: Tools and Strategies for Guiding Children in Reflective Behaviour

Utilise tools like a behavioural reflection chart to guide children through the process of thinking about their actions. Questions such as “What happened?”, “How did you feel?”, “How do you think the other person felt?”, and “What could you have done differently?” help them analyse the situation from multiple perspectives.
Use social or comic strip stories that depict various scenarios and their outcomes. These stories can help children understand the sequence of actions and reactions, emphasising the emotional impact on others. Cards showing different emotions can be effective in helping children, identify and empathise with how their actions may affect others’ feelings.
Have open conversations about the incidents, focusing on understanding why the child acted in a certain way, and exploring alternative, more positive behaviours. Encourage children to ‘put themselves in someone else’s shoes’ to understand the emotional impact of their actions on others.
Communicate clear expectations for appropriate behaviour and the consequences of inappropriate actions. Linking consequences directly to behaviours, helps children understand the cause-effect relationship. Offer children informed choices, explaining the outcomes of both positive and negative behaviours. This empowers them to make conscious decisions about how they act.
Actively look for and positively reinforce appropriate behaviours. Recognition of positive actions encourages repetition and helps build self-esteem. Maintain consistency and expectations and consequences to reinforce learning. Children may test boundaries, inconsistent responses reinforce the understanding of acceptable behaviour.
Respond to incidents with calmness and understanding. A supportive environment encourages children to open up and engage in the reflective process without fear of judgment. Work together with the child to develop strategies for managing emotions and reactions in challenging situations. This collaborative approach fosters a sense of responsibility and agency.
Demonstrate reflective behaviour by discussing your own actions and their impacts in suitable situations. This modelling shows children that reflection is a valuable and normal part of behaviour.
Guide children in identifying ways to make amends if their actions have hurt or upset someone. This could be through, apologies, helping to fix what was damaged, or other restorative practices.